The Ultimate Itinerary

Below is a draft itinerary for the sort of package we can put together for the ultimate shooting break: 

Day 1: Private Jet from your destination to Oxford Airport, on arrival you will switch from the private jet to a helicopter to take you to your accommodation. Your luggage will be collected from the jet and taken by car to your accommodation. 

The accommodation could either be one of the many luxury 5 star boutique hotels, such as Estelle Manor, or alternatively exclusive use of a local manor house such as Temple Guiting Manor.

Dinner on your first evening could be something a bit more relaxed. Why not get one of our talented chefs in to do one of our famous pizza evenings or Argentinean lamb roasts.

To avoid you having to divert your trip to pick up shooting clothing, we can also arrange for our sister company, The Cotswold Tailor, to setup a pop up shop for you at your accommodation. They bring everything from ties, boots, possum jumpers, shirts, tweed caps, shooting breeks, tweed gilets to field coats, all of the highest possible quality. Where they haven't made it themselves they source it from the best manufacturers. 

Day 2:

Shoot 1: On shooting day 1 we will warm you up, on one of the Cotswolds' best kept secrets. This impressive estate hosts one of the country's most impressive partridge shoot, and the hospitality to match. We will heli you to and from the shoot, to avoid time spent on narrow Cotswold roads, and organise an entire shooting package, from: Cartridges, to loaders, to gun hire. 

After a long day in the field, why not relax at the accommodation, and enjoy the massage therapists we can book for you before dinner. 

After a hearty meal at the shoot lodge, on shoot 1, often our guests tend to opt for something a bit more relaxed for dinner 2. The Cotswolds is full of award winner gastro pubs, bursting at the seams with quintessential 'Chocolate Box' charm. 

Day 3:  

Shoot 2:  On shooting day 2, we want to take you somewhere a bit different. Today you will be shooting, duck, partridge and pheasant. At a family run shoot in the heart of the North Cotswolds. This shoot has one drive in particular, which will blow your mind. I won't ruin the surprise but its name is 'The Cliff'. After finishing shooting you will served a traditional afternoon tea. 

Dinner 3: Hopefully after a lighter shoot meal, you will have room for something special for dinner. For dinner 3 we have booked you in at Estelle Manor in your own private dining room to enjoy their celebrated Chinese Restaurant. 

Day 4: 

Shoot 3: We've kept the best until last. For shoot 3 you will have an 'unlimited bag', on one of the finest driven partridge, and pheasant shoots in The Cotswolds. The sweeping valleys, steep woodlands and lakes offer even the best shots, an array of different challenging birds. This is certainly a day that will have you smiling from start to finish. 

Final Dinner: We often leave this blank depending on what you and your team would prefer. Often our guests enjoy, a home cooked meal in their accommodation, allowing time and convenience, of dipping in and out, whilst packing up ready to depart. Alternatively you could savor one last trip to an English pub. 

Day 5: Your helis will pick you up in the morning ready to take you back to the airport, whereby your jet will be waiting to take you back home. 

The Ultimate Extension

If however, like us, you just can't get enough of what British shooting can offer. Why not extend your trip with the Grouse extension pack. Instead of flying you home, we can divert the jets to Edinburgh, whereby once again you will met by helis, which will take you to the Scottish Highlands to do some grouse shooting. 

We recommend doing two days in Scotland to enjoy both driven grouse shooting and walked up grouse shooting. The landscapes alone, are worth the trip. They are truly breathtaking. The grouse shooting season runs from the Glorious 12th August to 10th December and for good reason, the red grouse is known as the king of game birds.

Grouse are truly wild which is why the number of days that can take place on each moor varies each year. If you haven't been, it's one for every game shot's bucket list. Driven grouse shooting is arguably the pinnacle, due to the speed that coveys of grouse come through the butts.